Showing posts with label Alexandrina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alexandrina. Show all posts

the new bibliotheca alexandrina

The city of Alexandria is worldwide known for two reasons: the lighthouse and the library. Nothing remains today of these wonders of the ancient times, though.
In 295 b.c, the Egyptian ruler Ptolemy I commissioned the construction of thegreat library of Alexandria. In the following years, local scientists traveled through the region to purchase books for the library. In times of Ptolemy III some of the more important books in the world were copied. The library also held originals of Aeschylus, Euripedes and Sophocles, and most probably the largest Greek collection, the library of Aristotle. The ancient library had 500,000 scrolls. All human knowledge was stored here, but its more important role was as a center for scientists and philosophers.

Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt

Welcome to Alexandria! Alexandria (Iskendariyya, in Arabic) is the second largest city in Egypt. It is located in the Mediterranean coast and it is one of the most mythical cities in this country. Unfortunately not much remains today of this city's golden ages. Most of the ruins are under the current buildings or under the water.

Alexandria, the mosque of Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi

The mosque of Mursi Abul Abbas is the biggest and most wonderful mosque in Alexandria. The mosque was originally built in 1775. In 1943 the four domes and a minaret were added. Inside the mosque there is a colonnade and eight granite columns.
Most of the mosques in Alexandria can be visited by tourists. Visitors are required to dress modestly and women must cover their heads with a headscarf. Women are not allowed in the mosque of Mursi Abul Abbas' main room, they can only visit one of the side rooms. Visitors have to make a donation and leave the shoes at the entrance.

Alexandria, Roman Amphitheater

The Roman theater was, in Ptolemaic times, in the park of Pan, a pleasure garden. It was used for musical performances, and sometimes also for wrestling contests. Materials for its constructions were brought form all over the world: marble from Asia Minor, red granite from Aswan and white marble from Europe.
To the North of the theater archeologistsare working on the remains of the Roman baths and houses. This area is closed to tourists, but you can see part of the arches and walls from here.